Debate Society

Why They're Here:

  • Exorcist: Best vomit scene ever. The spininng head was too fake, right?
  • Blair Witch Project: Don't thnk of taking a hike the same way anymore. Be honest, you got more motion sickness than anything else.
  • Conjuring: Uh, true story. Uh, true story?
  • The Ring: Everyone'll think twice before watching a VHS. Wait, VHS? What's that?
  • Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy Krueger is an all-time cinema legend. Johnny Depp? Nah.
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Leatherface with a chainsaw is what nightmares are made of. Acting lessons might have helped just a little.
  • Psycho: Hitchcock. The shower scene. Nuff Said. It's all about mommy issues.
  • Scream: That Ghostface mask is an instant hit. The cliches made it cliché.
  • The Shining: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Danny talks to his finger. Come on.
  • Halloween: That theme music. Jamie Lee Curtis. What's missing? Michael Myers gets shot 6 times point blank at the end but he escapes?
  • Friday the 13th: Defined Slasher movie. The very end? Yikes! It was Mrs. Vorhees all along? Not Jason?
  • Poltergeist: They're herrree! Iconic...and she wasn't kidding. The doll clown scene was too much.
  • It: Pennywise ended clowns for basically everyone. Can't we just stay out of the sewers?
  • Saw: Seems like this could happen in today's mixed up world. Jigsaw as a prop is pretty bad.
  • Paranormal Activity: Makes you want to check your security camera. Why didn't they just leave the house?
  • Us: That is one creepy family. Wait, Hands Across America? Huh?


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