09 May, 2020

Mother's Day Weekend -We're laughing WITH you mom!

We all know Mothers Day is more than a day, it's a weekend. So let's celebrate them SNL-style. 

One of SNL's greatest trademarks is its ability to take the mundane, normal things about life and find their perfect points of parody to create something that seems both totally random and universally relatable. 

Has there ever been a show that does this better, more consistently or with a broader voice than SNL?  They've been nailing that voice pretty much non-stop for 45 years (crazy) and they don't do it anywhere better than in their commercial parodies. 

They can take a generational gap, the annoyance of family gatherings, the frustration of putting a sweater on a kid - and turn it into a hilarious and perfect reflection of our daily lives.  They can hold a mirror to our lives that shows the hilarity of how we see - and think about - our mothers, how they must see us, and how it is (or must be) to be a mother.  And no matter whether you're a son, daughter, husband or mother, you get it.  And you laugh at yourself for thinking that.. or being like that. 

So checkout some of the nest Mothers Day commercials, and see if any of THESE make it in YOUR bracket!